1776 Unites If you're a teacher and want digital delivery: https://www.storylabs.online/product-page/1776-unites-digital-access If you're a parent, email [email protected] for free online access for your family. I pulled my son at the beginning of the year (you have to do it before October if you don't want the district to receive money from the state for your student) and enroll him in Abekahttps://www.abeka.com/. I am amazed at the quality of education this program offers. If you keep your kids out next year you might want to look into this program. freedomproject.com Homeschool Co-Ops: Partnerships with other parents, where each parent volunteers to specialize in and teach 1-2 subjects. Parents pay for individual courses, which include supplies. Find and follow homeschooling co-ops and communities on FB. Education Transformed https://wwweducationtransformed.org Helps parents get started by: • creating customized homeschool curriculums that fit your vision; • teaching parents how to teach; • organizing your new co-op, micro-school, or pod; • finding and screening qualified private teachers for you to hire George Muller Academy (Lehi) https://georgemuelleracademy.org Partnerships with Public Schools: Harmony https://harmonyed.com/parents/ My Tech High https://www.mytechhigh.com Private Schools Belmont Classical Academy https://www.belmontclassical.org