A rock star group of 30 parents stood up for their beliefs, as everyone in America is entitled to do. They put together this list of books and sent it to their district.
Here is the list they sent to the district: https://docs.google.com/…/1g4eP3gAdrjB0beBbO_qCnxIJ3Mz…/edit Here is the letter that was sent: Dear Administration: We are cautiously optimistic that this email addresses an issue where administrators and parents can find mutual common ground and understanding. Prior to Canyons School District pulling some books from their libraries for further review based on obscene and sexually explicit content, we had begun compiling a list of books in Murray that also contain sexually explicit passages and pictures using the District's online catalog: https://destiny.murrayschools.org/. Soon we began to realize that we weren't just dealing with a handful of books - there are dozens and dozens of sexually explicit books in the libraries, especially Murray High, but also the other schools. The non-exhaustive list of over 100 books is attached. As you will see, the attachment contains quotes, passages, excerpts, scenes and pictures that are in many cases downright obscene and disgusting, contain graphic descriptions of rape, downplay pedophilia, encourage sexual obsession and pornography addiction, and groom children to question their gender. We stopped at about 100 or so books - only because we had to stop somewhere and we were tired of wading through filth. The attached document lists many books, in MCSD libraries, that have no place in the hands of a child and attempt to normalize deviant behavior and attitudes. ****WARNING: THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT CONTAINS GRAPHIC AND EXPLICIT DESCRIPTIONS OF SEX, SEXUAL VIOLENCE, AND OBSCENE LANGUAGE. Our goal is not to ban books. We want children to expand their minds and have access to resources expressing many different viewpoints, cultures, and ideas. We don't want books removed just because we may disagree or dislike certain ideas, theories, or philosophies. However, at the end of the day, these are our children that we have entrusted into your care. It is our duty to protect them from pornography and explicit descriptions of rape, gratuitous sex, sex between teenagers, incest, bestiality, and body parts in school libraries. Taxpayer money should not be wasted on crude and disgusting smut with little literary or educational value. The District seems to be very committed to school safety and Digital and Online safety - as evidenced by regular trainings. Is it not equally important for our children to be protected from sexually explicit garbage, that is not age-appropriate, sitting right at their fingertips on the shelves of our school libraries? We want to be clear that we are not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. Many of these books are likely being pushed into our schools from outside sources and we are giving the benefit of the doubt to librarians and others who likely do not have the time to read every book that is approved. Despite the media's rhetoric to the contrary, our school board, administration and librarians do have, and should exercise, the power to make decisions that protect children by limiting their access to inappropriate materials. Supreme Court decisions have made that clear. We are requesting that: 1) you review the attachment and remove those books that are obviously not appropriate to be in the hands of minors, pursuant to Utah Code 76-10-1203; 2) this review takes place before we submit a separate challenge form with respect to each book; and 3) after you remove the obviously offensive books, we then submit challenge forms for any additional books we feel should be removed, but were not. Although many of these books would be offensive even to adults, we ask that you look at these books from the eyes of a child. We want to work together, not to grandstand or to ban books, but to do a thoughtful, thorough review that puts children first and protects them from dangerous images, harmful content, and over-sexualized agendas. At some point, it would be nice to open a dialogue about the process/system for the selection of books, including additional, worthwhile books that could be in our libraries. But first, let's focus on removing the obviously pornographic and sexually explicit books. Sincerely, [30 parents]
12/8/2021 10:45:47 am
Great work! This is appalling to see.
12/8/2021 01:52:09 pm
Removing the pornographic material is a first step, however is it not criminal to give pornographic material to underage children (15, 16, 17 year olds)?? Should not the School Board or anyone else responsible for distributing this material be investigated and charged accordingly? That would be the next step.
12/8/2021 07:28:08 pm
I truly don’t have adequate words for my feelings on this subject. I picked less than 10 of the listed books at random and read a few excerpts. I would be absolutely horrified if my children read these utterly despicable things. Reading them myself made me sick.
12/9/2021 02:30:13 pm
As a parent, grandparent, great grandparent, and a retired teacher of 20+ years, I am absolutely appalled at the seemingly lack of professional judgement demonstrated by some of the librarians of Murray School District that are buying and dispensing this filth. They are the gate keepers that have long held the protection of the young minds and the trust of the children that they work with on a daily basis. These books can, and will, influence children to make choices for which they are not prepared. My husband who was a Psychologist of 40 years, can attest to that. In his practice he worked with many individuals who regretted choices made too early in their life. These choices were made when they were not mentally, emotionally, or psychologically ready to understand the consequences of their decisions. In addition, it made them vulnerable to sexual predators within, and out of, their educational environment. Perhaps a committee of willing parents could be established to ensure that each new book be read and evaluated by three different parents before being placed in the library as I know that it is an impossibility for each librarian to read all the books that come in each year. My husband and I would both be willing to serve in any capacity to help protect all children and alleviate this filth from our schools in Murray.
12/9/2021 04:05:41 pm
Disturbing, disgusting, 1000% unacceptable! This must stop! What in God's name are we doing to our children? We must hold those responsible for allowing such filth into our schools accountable.
12/30/2021 12:51:02 pm
Thank you for doing this. I actually graduated from Murray High over a decade ago and even then remember books that fit this description. It was the first time I had ever been exposed to anything close to this and can still remember the books pretty vividly, and not in a good way. I didn't think much of it as a student because they were assigned from the teachers. Looking back now I wish I would have brought this to my parents, but I was definitely the student who was more focused on getting an A rather than creating problems. Thank you for what you do. Let's break the chain and bring these problems to light.
1/13/2022 02:34:55 pm
Lots of good conversations starters with my kids. I have no problem with a high-schooler reading these. Comments are closed.