The Business and Labor Committee will be meeting Monday, October 4 at 9:00 a.m. at the Capitol Complex in House Building, Room 30
This meeting is being called specifically to discuss the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate or weekly COVID-19 testing requirements. As the administration moves forward with its action plan, the committee chairs believe this is a timely and sensitive matter that needs to be discussed with committee members and those most affected. All perspectives from Utah’s impacted business community, including employers, employees and stakeholders are encouraged to voice their opinions, whether for or against the mandate. The committee is dedicated to conducting the meeting in an impartial manner and will provide Utahns the opportunity to be on the formal legislative record. There are several ways to participate. *GIVE STRATEGIC PUBLIC COMMENT* Businesses, employers, employees and stakeholders impacted by the mandate should plan to comment. We need testimony about how this will impact people's health and livelihood. We need personal testimony about any adverse reactions ANYONE has ever had to the vaccine. In addition we need testimony from those who should not get the vaccine due to a medical condition or even if you have had a rash from a previous vaccine, that is an adverse reaction and you should not be forced to get the vaccine. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you shouldn't get the vaccine. We need members of the heavily impacted medical community, and those who have witnessed the negative health effects of the vaccine to give testimony. Comments will be limited to TWO minutes. Strategic public comment is crucial! People should not repeat what others have said. Write several versions of a two minute comment and be ready to change what you say as needed to highlight new points. Please be kind and respectful in your words. Arrive at 8:00. Park on the east side of the capital. The House Building is on the West side of the property, to the west of the fountain. Room 30 is in the basement. Virtual Public Comment will be allowed at the committee chair’s discretion. Option to provide public comment Requires submitting name to join meeting *FILL THE ROOM* There will be several overflow rooms as well plus the lobby. We need to show that we do not support vaccine mandates. We can’t have the same 50 people that show up to every meeting. They need to see new faces. They need to see the people these mandates effect. Arrive between 8 and 8:30. Park on the east side of the capital. The House Building is on the West side of the property, to the west of the fountain. Room 30 is in the basement. *SEND AN E-MAIL* Send your story to President Adams, Speaker Wilson, AG Sean Reyes, Governor Cox and the Business and Labor Committee members prior to the meeting. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] *WATCH THE MEETING* The link to watch goes live 30 min before the meeting. It will be on the calendar page of the legislative website. le.utah.gov 1. No option to provide public comment 2. Audio only for meetings in House 30, Senate 210, and State Capitol 445; video for all other meetings Does not require submitting name to listen to/watch meeting Additional Information OFFICIAL COMMITTEE MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT https://senate.utah.gov/business-and-labor-interim-commit…/… FACBOOK EVENT TO SHARE https://fb.me/e/1cvnMgBts
Joshua Shumway
9/30/2021 09:06:35 am
I will not comply with Biden’s mandatory vax not now not ever
Tamra Priestley
9/30/2021 09:23:46 am
I will uphold The Constitution of and for these United States. I will not give up my rights to my healthcare and for my family. It is my God-given right to choose. Absolutely zero science can prove this vaxx is safe or effective. In fact the very opposite can and is being proven every day. I will not comply with this or any other mandate about my health. My body. My choice. Period.
Susie Young
9/30/2021 09:30:55 am
I will not comply with this mandate! It's wrong! If we comply we loose every freedom our forefathers fought for. Our very lives, our childrens lives and our freedom are in question. This mandate goes against everything we as country stand for. We should have the right to choose!
Bonnie Ralph
9/30/2021 09:34:53 am
Forcing any medical procedures on individuals is a direct violation of our freedoms. No one has a right to force any of us to violate our personal liberties for any reason. If you’ve had covid, you can’t even get a shot for 90 days, & often have a false positive test during that time frame (that’s info from our dr.). One can also argue the fact that, once you’ve contracted Covid, you are immune & do not need a shot. Same as any other disease one incurs. You have the natural antibodies already. In our family, we are not “anti-vax,” but we are extremely cautious. Our niece almost died from regular childhood shots. Our daughter had severe adverse reactions to them, & I watched in horror as our grandson had seizures after being inoculated. These are the norm in our family. Forcing companies to enforce vaccines on their employees will cause those who cannot, or choose not to have a shot make hard choices as to whether or not to leave their employment or risk life & limb to take care of their financial needs. It will cause employers to risk huge fines for any infraction of big government intrusion. It is not the government’s job to “keep us safe.” That is our personal responsibility, whatever we, as individuals, choose. The government’s only job is to protect our freedoms & liberties. Please do all you can to fight back against these intrusive, arrogant big government attempts to override our constitutionally protected rights.
Todd Perkins
9/30/2021 09:52:17 am
There has not been enough time to to assess the benefit or adverse reactions to this so called “Vaccine”
9/30/2021 10:00:40 am
Dems just shot down a bill to stop illegals coming in if test positive for covid... dems social functions all without masks but our children must. This is all a power grab nothing to do with health.
Connie Johnson
9/30/2021 11:19:54 am
Plain and simple!! It's my right to decide what I put into my body, not the government's. We need to do our own research, asses the benefits and risks and decide for ourselves.
katie mckay
9/30/2021 11:49:01 am
I will not comply with these mandates, they are against my right, they are evil and the narrative and agenda behind them is communism. There is so much evidence out there now that this covid is a hoax and was to put fear in us so we would get the vaccine, which is not a vaccine it is a shot and its purpose is to harm us and kill us!!! Bottom line is it is all wrong and we need to fight now or we will all be sorry! stand up for the truth and the truth is we have been lied to so much, we need to do our own research, we need to take a stand and protect the constitution and our rights. The CIA and all the government organizations that were suppose to protect us and preserve our rights have all been corrupted and do not care about America or the people. Wake up people, wake up and find out what is really going on. Knowledge is power!!!!! Our leaders have failed us, our government has failed us and its time now for the people to take back their rights, we have to do it, noone else can!!!!! Quit wearing the mask! After a year and a half of all this crap, why are there still sheeple wearing a mask???? These are crimes against humanity!!!!
James Peeks
9/30/2021 03:28:25 pm
Opposed to vaccine mandate at any governmental level
9/30/2021 03:35:46 pm
I will not comply. My Body my choice!! My life my choice!! America=Freedom. Unless you pansy a$& people cave and make us a socialist country.
Virginia Gomez
9/30/2021 03:35:57 pm
My Body my Choice! A mandate is NOT a law! No Governor can create a law. In reality a mandate is a “suggestion “; not a law!
Angela Martin
9/30/2021 03:37:33 pm
Do not mandate anything that has to do with one's body. That is not your right.
9/30/2021 03:44:33 pm
I have a genetic condition and my doctor says I should not take the vaccine. What am I supposed to do, just disappear! How in the world anyone in their right mind could believe that one size fits all bodies, is not only denying reality, but frankly has lost their minds! For heaven sake (and for liberty’s sake), there has got to be exemptions to this insanity!
Chris Warhurst
9/30/2021 04:17:39 pm
I have several medical conditions that prevent me from getting the vaccine. Also I have had Covid, we had the blood work done to test and we (both my husband and I) have proof we have Covid antibodies. I trust my immune system. Thank you
9/30/2021 04:19:14 pm
It is 100% wrong, unlawful, and unconstitutional to force a deadly experiment drug into a human being.
Lori Beaty
9/30/2021 07:44:19 pm
This is not about health or science...It's about control and the take over of We the People. It's about turning our Country into a social pit! Stop this illegal take over of our Freedoms.
Sheila Roller
9/30/2021 08:41:00 pm
You chose what’s best for you and I’ll chose what’s best for me! When do we start talking about how to build our immune systems?
9/30/2021 09:18:07 pm
My family WILL NOT be “mandated”…..what are you teaching our children??? This insanity HAS to STOP! Isn’t this a democracy? It is my right and every Americans right to DECIDE what to do with their Healthcare decisions. I am disgusted with the narrative to mandate a “vaccine” that has very little data and ZERO information on long term effects. If you want this “vaccine” by all means you get it…..me and my family are out. Lives are being lost for money and Big Pharma - such a shame.
Kenzie Thomasson
9/30/2021 10:19:28 pm
I think aside from the previous mentioned things you are suggesting should be said there are also SEVERAL studies that show the benefits of natural immunity and that a conservative estimate of over 100 million Americans have already had the virus and now have immunity and therefore have no need for a vaccine, yet, we have leaders who are overlooking that Science and telling everyone to “just get it” or be fired and other things. This is a serious issue that needs to be talked about as well!
10/1/2021 07:05:43 am
Biden's vaccine mandate is both unconstitutional and a violation of bodily autonomy. It must be stopped.
10/1/2021 09:48:28 am
My while family has already gotten covid and I was not bad for any of us, nothing more than a cold. If I had not been watching I would have hardly known my kids got sick. One day and the next day they were all better. Why would we need to take a risk taking a vaccine. Next they will mandate it for kids. This vaccine does not stop the virus, like polio vaccines that you only have to take once. We must stop this madness and overreach from the government.
10/1/2021 10:04:25 pm
If vaccine can can be mandated “For public health”, anything can be mandated. Utah doesn’t care, Cox couldn’t shut up about having employers inject their employees. We are beyond the rubicon. 10/2/2021 07:52:13 am
I just want to comment on here and say that the vaccine issue has created a lot of division and isolation and is threatening people's lively hood. Why would employers or insurance companies want to force a medical procedure onto employees? People are being penalized for being healthy and trusting their immune system. We are being lied to on a grand scale. Look at the statistics of elderly people who have died within 14 days of taking the vaccine, and just coincidentally are not being counted as vaccinated because you aren't considered vaccinated until after that 14 day period. Many vaccine deaths are being counted towards "unvaccinated" deaths because of the way they are reporting the incidences. Why would bullying us into compliance give us more faith in the treatment? Those of us who have chosen to look at all sides and trust our judgement are being shunned from society. How is this following science or common sense? If we can still spread the virus vaccine or no vaccine, how on earth can I be spreading a disease that I do not have? What if we start paying attention to the root of the problem, such as our lack of access to healthcare, shortcomings in the hospital systems that are too weak to withstand a seasonal flu outbreak. If we had allocated more resources into ramping up our healthcare access and availability, training and research on how to best treat the ill patients, maybe our hospitals wouldn't be "overrun". How come no one is talking about lack of access to medical treatments, regardless of vaccine status. Certainly billions of dollars wasted on bullying people into falling into compliance of a mandate and all the wasted resources to arguing about it could have been better used for training hospital staff, building more space in ICU beds and equipment, and exploring a variety of treatments. Instead people are being shamed and shunned and bullied for taking their own health into their own hands out of fear that the system isn't actually working for us. We are wasting tax payer money to argue whether we should force people into compliance on a medical procedure that isn't safe. We don't want myocarditis, blood clots, infertility, possible death, and long term auto immune problems. Long term studies are not very promising because the pattern I'm seeing is that they are refusing to even examine adverse affects due to hopes that this Mrna treatment is magic. I don't want to trust magic for my health. I've heard so many experts explain that this gene therapy is actually magic! That doesn't make me think that we are reviewing the actual science and just having blind faith. The more they bully me and make fun of me for using critical thinking skills, the more I refuse to allow them to control my health.
10/2/2021 09:24:10 am
I work for a defense contractor and do not need the vaccine that is being mandated. I have had and recovered from Covid. According to a letter received from my company this will be mandated. I will likely loose my job. There needs to be provisions made for exemptions if you’ve recovered or testing if you have recovered from Covid. We need to keep our bodily autonomy.
Chris Warhurst
10/4/2021 07:04:34 am
Our entire family has had Covid. We all recovered. We have had our blood tested we have antibodies to protect us. We do not need a shot. We have our immune system. My daughter in laws first cousin died after having the vaccine. No one should ever be forced into a medical procedure! That takes away individual freedom. Not everyone can take the vaccine and some people have adverse reactions. It should be a individual choice to be handled with a doctor who knows the person’s medical history and condition. My daughter recently left her job in the medical field due to the mandate. This is wrong on so many levels.
Erika Neilson
10/6/2021 09:03:25 am
It is NOT a vaccine; it doesn't prevent the illness, it just lessens the symptoms; so by definition it is not a vaccine. AND with the vaccine, you can still get sick and you can still spread the virus. It's like the flu vaccine, the population will always need another one, and it has not been proved to be better than natural immunity anyway.
10/12/2021 05:11:01 pm
My husband works for Northrop Grumman and has recently been notified that he, and all employees, will lose their job if they are not "vaccinated" by December 8th, 2021. I believe we have a responsibility to stand up against this tyrrany, like those brave souls working for Southwest Airlines.
Windi Hicken
10/14/2021 12:11:27 pm
A vaccine mandate will take away all of Utah ability to make personal health decisions and take away individual freedoms in regard to health care. This will impact me because while I am choosing to get vaccinated, I will have lost my constitutional freedom to make choices about my life and persist of happiness. I, others in Utah, and my children will have lost the blessings of liberty mentioned in the preamble to the constitution, and that is a terrible day for everyone. A mandate on vaccines signifies the government violating individual freedom and taking the power to make personal health decisions from individuals. This is a very unconstitutional move, the constitution and our country, was created to protect personal freedoms and decisions from government entities. It was created to protect we the people of the united states. The moment the government decides to take away freedoms from the people, then that is the moment our country and individual freedom is destroyed. This isn't about whether or not people should be vaccinated, this is about taking away individual choice and as a representative of the people of Utah you should prioritize our right to make personal health decisions regardless of what those decisions are. If you advocate for personal choice, then you advocate for all Utahns regardless of what they believe and where they stand. Comments are closed.